Jack Daniel Tennessee Apple 700ml
Jack Daniel's Tennessee Apple has the distinct character of Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey coupled with crisp green apple for a fresh & rewarding taste. Launched in the US, Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Apple is made from the brand’s core expression, which has been charcoal mellowed and matured in new American oak barrels, and apple-flavoured liqueur. The 35% ABV whiskey is recommended served chilled, neat or in cocktails. On the nose, it is described as having “crisp green apple and classic Old No 7 cues of caramel, oak and a soft spice”. The palate combines fresh cut apples with “warm caramel and toffee” followed by a “rich and smooth” finish with a hint of toasted oak. “Mr Jack was known for being an innovator and always exploring how to do things differently, including adding different flavours and ingredients,” said Jack Daniel’s master distiller Jeff Arnett. “Tennessee Apple couples the character of our Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey with the taste of crisp, green apples. It’s like a freshly picked apple in a glass of Jack.”
Alcohol Volume: 35%