Lark Whisky Cask Strength 58% 500ml
Double-distilled in locally crafted copper-pot stills and aged in carefully selected small casks, Lark Classic Cask Whisky features citrus and butterscotch with a hint of Tasmanian peat. A great balance of sweet, spicy and savoury elements make this the perfect dram for whisky-lovers. Excellent neat or with a drop or two of filtered water. Nose: Golden syrup and vanilla with hints of oranges and grapefruit. Plum pudding, Christmas cake, cinnamon sticks, nutmeg and a wisp of Tasmanian peat smoke. Palate: Sweet vanilla transforms into a combination of orange peel, butterscotch, cloves, nutmeg and grapefruit. Finish: Butterscotch and citrus notes with a long satisfying smoky finish.
Alcohol Volume: 58%